Film A Song of the Anxious - Official website.

 Joao David Nogueira



A bit of wisdom from the American Film Market before we start.


My name is João David Nogueira (born January 6, 1988). I am a first-time feature filmmaker and well aware that for financiers and investors in the film industry, this means that I might not be considered a safe bet. Yet, I do have a story to tell.

At one point I was - like Katherine in our story - without much more than a dream. Realistically, would filmmaking ever be possible? Then the realisation hit me, as it has hit so many before me: you have to do the things you love.

That’s when I wrote, directed and shot The I in between the Us in 2015:


I do not have the formal training of many of my peers, the progression of short films and awards that leads to the opportunity of making a feature. In my journey as a filmmaker, I can say that I am a self-taught Writer & Director, schooled in Cultural Studies, which promoted in me a deep awareness of imagery - and thus defined my semiotician traits, alongside a focus on storytelling, wrapped by the perseverant mindset needed to continue to acquire and improve my filmmaking skills.

In filmmaking terms, this translates into a desire to screen realistic portraits of real life that still retain deeper levels of meaning accessible at the semiotic level. With a story like ‘A Song of the Anxious’, which is very close to my heart, the exploration of anxiety – alongside creativity – allows me to present a film that is both engaging and hauntingly beautiful.  

To quote from the opening of my script: Aren’t stories more interesting when told by the ones who lived through them? - And I am delighted to say that the common response to this semi-autobiographical story from the people who have read it is, “I can really relate to what Katherine goes through”.

The last years have been a preparation to make this film a reality: learning, improving, exploring, envisioning solutions and connecting with like-minded people. The result is shown here: a fully developed spec script, a ‘Proof of Concept’ video, a growing team of enthusiastic professionals and – above all - a beautiful concept.

Besides A Song of the Anxious, I am developing The Playlist - a futuristic story of two lovers trying to navigate their relationship and break up through songs on a playlist.

Let’s keep in touch through my Instagram account:

Thank you

João David Nogueira
