Film A Song of the Anxious - Official website.

The Making of a Concept Teaser


The concept teaser: Behind the scene.

  • Credits

  • The story and events

  • The outcome - the coming soon

First, I shall give credit to whom credit is due:

To Roseanna, whom, for the second time, fitted so well into Katherine’s shoes!
To Marcelo, who sponsored the unforeseen extra costs that started to accumulate (more about that later).
To Igor, the (unexpected) camera operator and director of photography, who freely provided us with all the gear we needed.
To Ana, my brave and hopeful friend and Make-up artist. She kept the vision whole, and, hope up!
To Will, whom patiently helped in all possibles ways as a Production Assistant.
To Telma, my Assistant Director - and Editor - who was always present (except the time the GPS made her park somewhere far from the shooting place), and, whom, as always. kept the energy flowing.

Igor, the D.o.P.

Location: LIsbon.

Joao & Roseanna sharing an insight among some of the fantastic extras.

And to Lili, the Extras’ coordinator - and the one that kept me as much as positive as I could be. Finally, without forgetting the non-paid Extras who stood for two cold night listening to the talented Enrico busking.

Enrico, as The Busker.

The Story and Events

The good and the bad Luck


Joao & Telma - Director and AD/Editor

When everything seems to go bad - but then…

Do you remember this: Gatwick Drone Incident?

You guessed it, Roseanna was travelling from Gatwick to Lisbon on that same day!

Our schedule was tight already, we programmed 3 days - 1 prep day, 1 Exteriors and 1 Interiors. In the end, the flight issue costs us 2 days: 1 day to find a replacement flight.

Rosie flew from London to Frankfurt, spent the night there, and next morning, with a delay of 4 hours, Frankfurt-Lisbon.

Once in Lisbon, there was a manifestation - so, roads cut off! Another day of shooting cancelled.

But then —- 


 We did it —-

With, what seemed to be, a touch of destiny (and perseverance from all), we made it! Ana, brought Igor - her fiancé - who brought all is videomaking gear without and questioning and everything got back on track!

Lili and Telma got a new batch of free amazing Extras together, and, even the Pizza guy was on time!

In one single day we shot the whole Concept Teaser!!

Our incredible Igor!

Thank you all —


Roseanna and Katherine

A choice for the concept teaser


Roseanna’s IMDB page.


Back in time, finding ‘Katherine’ for the concept teaser and all the promotional/visual material: a search that I took upon myself. I looked through thousands of profiles.

There she was: a perfect fit for the two contrasting halves of my protagonist. A character that encompassed two extremes, spread over time but with a common core, now unified by the strength of an exceptional lead actor.

As a director, I can easily ask Roseanna to be Katherine the storyteller (older established musician, the woman in the present), or Katherine the anxious girl, discovering and growing, or indeed any stage in between.
